I'm looking at a 1971 911S that has flat sixes on it now that were manufactured in Feb 1972 - so presumably not original. The car was manufactured in late 1970, and the COA does not specify wheel type.

Couple of newbie questions for the Fuchs experts out there.
1) If the COA doesn't specify the "light metal wheels" option (= Fuchs, right?), does that likely mean it did not come with Fuchs? Note this COA has at least one other omission - transmission # is Not Recorded

2) How common or uncommon of an option were the Fuchs in early 70s in general? For an S specifically?

3) My understanding is that the switch from deep six to flat six Fuch happened around March of 1971 - correct? Anything more to the story than that, or pretty consistently cars after that have flat, cars before have deep when the option was selected?

I did a pretty extensive archive search on these questions, so apologies if I missed this from a previous thread.

Many thanks in advance
