Leon showing his colors. Yes, they match the car.

After gassing up we were now one large group. 911s as far as we could see. At first we were stretched out approaching 337. Then gaps formed as the twisty roads dictated the pace.

Eventually we stopped at another scenic hill top. this was mostly to regroup.

As were were late to lunch I actually used the GPS to take a shortcut. Normally I am a paper map kind of guy. I can see the whole picture. Keep in mind there is no cell service out there. Your electronic map on a smart phone is worthless. Of course, the GPS does not know paved from limestone. Yes, we took a dirt road for a few miles.

There were laughs between Al and I since... I was leading this group of great cars down a dirt road. And... they kept following me. Who was worse at this point? the leader or the followers? We kept the speeds down since the dust was significant. OH how I need to build a beater rally car for this type of place.

At least the other end of the road was paved. Quite fun too!

Of course our short cut was for naught. The connecting road on the other side did not exist. Well on the old map it did but not anymore. This meant a 20 mile detour to go 'round the mountain. At this point we were all tired, hot and hungry! I know I was cooked at this point.

JMZ loving the reserved parking. Yes, everyone is friendly in TX. Even our signs are friendly.

26 cars made it to the lunch stop. Wow What a great group.