
The reason I am curious about this is that I work closely together with the technical department at a large ship owning company. Fire in the engine room onboard is one of our worst nightmares as they are very explosive. The main source of such a fire is oilmist.

To combat these fires the vessel has a CO2 system in the engine room. The problem is that it kills who ever is left in there, meaning that valuable time is lost getting people out before starting to put out the fire. What we have found is a lot more effective is a high pressure watermist system: it is harmless to people and equipment, plus it is extremely effective putting out these fires.

So my thought is - could we use this in our cars? If so, it is low cost, non-damaging to the equipment, environmentally friendly, and it leaves no residue like powder.

According to our techs it should be possible (even with a system using less than a quart of water).

Any thoughts?
