I have a 1970 911S, recently I decided to rebuild/replace the shift rod coupling. I ordered the Weltmeister replacement bushings however they were just a little bit too big. So I decided to just go ahead and replace the coupling with a new one which was supposedly from the OEM provider but not Porsche. The new coupling goes on the transmission rod as it should but the knurled rod to the shifter where the clamp is located will not fit into the shift rod. It is too big. The knurled rod on my original coupling is approximately 14.98mm while the knurled rod on the new coupling is approximately 16.33mm. I have owned the car since 1981 so I am certain my coupling is the original. In speaking with some of the parts suppliers I understand that the 1970 models may be unique with regard to this issue. Does anyone have a source or suggestions or recommendations on where to get the appropriate coupling for my car? Thanks for any help.