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Thread: Consider . . .

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RSTarga View Post
    If this is the greatest country, how come we think the greatest car is German?
    In the past perhaps, not sure that's true any longer. Try working on these newer German cars. What A Joke!

    Aside from cars, the U.S. still wins the swimsuit AND talent portions of the pageant every time.

    Although I do think we should disown the perverted uncle, Illinois.

    Maybe have a lottery to decide what percentage of it WI, IN, MO, IA, and KY should get?

    I would say the same for Kalifornia but it has assets that serve a purpose for the greater good.

  2. #12
    Senior Member NZVW's Avatar
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    What makes a country great??
    My belief is that it is the people of that country that make it what it is,,pure and simple.
    Im not an American I am a New Zealander however America is great and this is a Porsche forum.
    To me it is you American forum members that have such a passion for these cars that stands out to me.
    If it was not for your interest, your relentless drive and abilities in sourcing, manufacturing and rebuilding parts for these cars , not to mention the intellectual knowledge I shudder to think of how few of these cars would even be on the road today and I thank you all,, you are 'great' and this makes your country great.

  3. #13
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    WOW Mark......

    I'll have to say that my very good OZ and Kiwi friends I've made on this board keeps me secure that the Early 911 knowledge base travels North as well as South my friend....

    Please Consider Thanks and Cheers to all you guys where the toilets flush in the other direction....

    - Just renewed my TYPE 901 Register membership...

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    Chuck Miller
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    TYP901 #62
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    ’98 Chevy S-10 – Utility
    ’15 GTI – Commuter

  4. #14
    Senior Member NZVW's Avatar
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    Cheers Chuck,
    No matter which way it spins you cannot flush knowledge down a toilet.
    Your cheeky face was on TV here in NZ the other night on a doco regarding the "Beach Hop'' festival.
    I hope you enjoyed your time here and were treated you well.
    ps shift this post if required

  5. #15
    Moderator Chuck Miller's Avatar
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    Your cheeky face was on TV here in NZ the other night on a doco regarding the "Beach Hop'' festival.
    I hope you enjoyed your time here and were treated you well.
    Sorry Mark, not me....

    Never been down-under.... However strongly thinkn'n 2018 might finally be'n my year...

    Back to the regular program...........
    Chuck Miller
    Creative Advisor/Message Board Moderator - Early 911S Registry #109
    R Gruppe #88

    TYP901 #62
    '73S cpe #1099 - Matched # 2.7/9.5 RS spec rebuild
    '67 Malibu 327 spt cpe - Period 350 Rebuild

    ’98 Chevy S-10 – Utility
    ’15 GTI – Commuter

  6. #16
    member #1515
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    Quote Originally Posted by LongRanger View Post
    . . . 'Old cars are dirtier than the new ones' . . .

    I love old cars. Prolly has more to do with me than them ---- but old cars are somehow more 'understandable' for me . . . analog vs digital?


    But 'dirtier'? Outta the tailpipe = maybe . . . at cold-start/idle, anyway --- but consider . . .

    What does it take to make + build a brand-new 'clean' car? . . .

    . . . the machines + people to mine + process the raw materials --- + the real estate/environment that gets chewed-up doing it . . .

    . . . the capital + energy to transport/refine/process those materials --- and the electricity + fuel to accomplish that . . .

    . . . the number of people involved in all of this --- and the resources + fuel it takes for them to get to + from work, 50 weeks/year

    To put it another way . . .

    . . . how much comes out of my old car's tail pipe?

    . . . vs . . .

    . . . all the tail pipes --- of all the trucks + all the ships + locomotives + buses + power-plants . . . all the gas-powered hardware that it takes to build all those 'clean-clean' cars

    Wanna save the planet? . . .

    . . . buy an old car, I say

    As much as I like old cars, I have piece of mind knowing my loved ones now travel with air bags, ABS, traction control etc. Having survived, (barely), my youth in "our" cars I feel lucky. So many here love the SWB cars, they would bite you in a nanosecond of disattention. Errors teach, but some don't get a second chance.
    Time marches on... as we get older, and reflect on our previous excesses, it is good we diminish our consumption and just putter along. This leaves some room for the next generation.
    What makes the US great? The fact that we can come on to a forum like this and express our very divergent opinions, without fear of reprisals.
    What is the US the best at? Marketing, take a product that is commonplace in any part of the world, and make it a humongous business. Yogurt, Salsa, Tacos, Quinoa, Coffee, Chia etc. etc. etc.

    '73 S Targa #0830 2.7 MFI rebuilt to RS specs

  7. #17
    Senior Member NZVW's Avatar
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    Now dont take this too seriously boys and girls,,

    I love cars full stop. I like taking my kid to school in my Quattro 4 avant,, yeah its easy to drive , yeah its safe and yeah it can get from A2B quicker than my 72 but Na it ain't nowhere as much fun (outside of the city).

    I love having "choice"

    NO, I don't drive 'stupid fast' in the 72 with any passengers if anything I probably go quicker in the oooo because they (newer cars) are safer
    No, I cannot fix the Audi if it sh*ts itself or software glitch's (and its happened to me)

    Im your typical hypocrite ,,
    I went to the Drags last summer and throughly enjoyed sitting in the sun having my brains boiled from the sun under a wonderful blue ozone depleted sky, whilst 5000 hp of nitro burning Ozone depleting monsters flew by. Hopped back in my 72 and headed home. The following morning I awoke and made my son his school lunch and put it in his "Wrapper Free Zero Plastic Usage" (( save the planet)) lunch Box,, {made of plastic I note}

    So we have choice,, and I love that,, I would be miserable if my only choices were whether to take my son to school on the horse or the push bike and deciding which flowers to poke down the rifle barrels today


  8. #18
    Early S Reg #1395 LongRanger's Avatar
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    'Guns Don't Kill People . . .

    . . . bullets do'

    I keep waiting for someone to get up and spout this little Twainism in public. I mean consider --- when someone uses a gun . . . it's not the gun by itself that does the damage, is it? Wouldn't it make more sense to have 'bullet control'?

    Fat chance. I mean, seriously --- how many rounds are we talking about?

    I thought about this again after hearing about the rise of English knife violence . . .

    All in favor of 'knife control'? . . . please stand up

    And all this reminded me of something that I saw at the 2018 L.A. Auto Show . . .

    Electric cars have begun appearing in some numbers, over the last few years. More so, even hybrids. Things change and this one looks to 've been accepted. But I was still more-than-a-little shocked to see an electric Range Rover. Tesla already seems to have a more-or-less solid spot place in the market, and even Porsche has an all-electric on the way . . . but electric SUVs?

    Maybe that's why cars seem to 've gotten so big over the years --- to get people used to something better fit to carry a battery pack around?

    But that kinda begs Another Question . . .

    . . . what about all the gasoline-powered cars already out in the world?

    I mean, eventually the 'fleet' of personal vehicles will change --- as the older gasoline-powered cars age-out . . . and are replaced with electrics

    But what about those of us who hold on to our gas-powered 'classics'?

    'Gasoline-control,' anyone?

    Put it Another Way . . .

    . . . where 'll Our Cars be --- a hundred years from now?

    And anybody been to any classic horse + buggy meets, lately?

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    Last edited by LongRanger; 03-09-2019 at 03:14 PM.

  9. #19
    Early S Reg #1395 LongRanger's Avatar
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    Cars Don't Make Air Pollution . . .

    . . . but their fuel does

    Consider this a preview . . .

    '. . . "Great Britain has now gone over 18 days (432 hours) without coal!" tweeted the country's electricity system operator, National Grid ESO (NGESO), on the same day. "Due to plant availability and system requirements, our current coal run has come to an end at 9:20 p.m. this evening. 18 days and 60 hours."

    When the coal sector is put out, the renewable energy sources like solar, wind, nuclear, gas, and some hydro-generated power pick up in its wake, the ESO told the BBC.

    "As more and more renewables come on to the system, we're seeing things progress at an astonishing rate," NGESO Fintan Slye said. "2018 was our greenest year to date, and so far, 2019 looks like it has the potential to beat it."

    The United Kingdom became the first country in the world to announce a coal phase-out policy in an ambitious move to limit emissions on coal power stations from October 2025 following the 2015 Paris climate meeting. In an update posted earlier this year, Beyond Coal reports that the nation's "coal fleet is already halved from around 30 gigawatts in 2010 and by 2016 the coal share had fallen to 9 percent of the electricity mix, down from 40 percent just four years previously."

    "By 2025, ESO will have transformed the operation of Great Britain's electricity system and put in place the innovative systems, products and services to ensure that the network is ready to handle 100% zero carbon," said Slye earlier this year, adding that a zero carbon operation in just six years requires a shift in operations and an integration of newer technologies, "from large-scale off-shore wind to domestic solar panels."

    The move looks promising. The UK currently has installed more offshore wind power than any other nation, halving the cost of offshore wind in the last four years, reports Wired. Altogether, it's a dramatic shift from the coal-powered nation that made up Britain just a century ago during the Industrial Revolution.

    "Coal was the backbone of the last industrial revolution — but this old technology is being beaten by wind energy, the powerhouse of our 21st century economy. Renewables are providing well over a third of our electricity today, and this is just the beginning. We need to move from fossil fuels right across the economy to avoid the enormous risks of climate disruption and to benefit from modern, clean, technologies," said RenewableUK Deputy Chief Executive Emma Pinchbeck.

    Currently, about one-fifth of Europe's operational coal fleet are located in other countries which have joined ranks and similarly announced that they will phase out coal, putting the coal plants located in these nations "on a pathway to closure"
    . . .'

    We may get to keep our Dirty Little Cars . . .

    . . . but what about the fuel?

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  10. #20
    Early S Reg #1395 LongRanger's Avatar
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    Equilibrium . . .

    . . . consider . . .

    '. . . The report, published in April, estimated that 40% of amphibian species, more than 33% of all marine mammals and reef-forming corals, and at least 10% of insect species are threatened, largely as a result of human actions. Researchers also found that more than 500,000 land species already don't have enough natural habitat left to ensure their long-term survival.

    This finding contributes to a rapidly growing body of evidence that suggests Earth is the midst of a sixth mass extinction — the sixth time in the planet's history that species are experiencing a major global collapse in numbers
    . . .'

    I'm not a 'science' Guy, by any stretch --- although the various subjects fascinate me, I've no head for the maths involved/required . . .

    . . . yet the logic of the stuff --- the elegance . . . still speaks

    My Chem One Instructor in college was this Chinese lady whom I could only barely understand --- contributing, no doubt, to my general frustration with the subject . . . but one of the topics that got brought up was the concept of equilibrium. In any closed system, given constant temp/pressure/etc, all the stuff in that system --- all the reagents . . . will tend to stabilize at some point. Like when water gets boiled. Add heat to a pot of liquid water,and it 'll boil into steam. But add a little salt --- like when my Gramma cooked spaghetti . . . the temperature of that boiling point increases = pasta cooks faster

    Still love the Ideal Gas Law . . .

    .....................PV = nRT

    . . . which describes a gas at equilibrium (=) in terms of the relationships between Pressure*Volume on one side with a given amount of material (n)*Temperature*constant (R) on the other

    Short Version . . .

    . . . change any of the constituents in the system --- the temperature, the pressure, the volume, etc . . . and that equilibrium will change

    And equilibrium is everywhere. Plants need water; lotsa water = lotsa plants, no water = no plants . . . or, at least the kind that don't need a lotta water. Animals adjust accordingly --- grazers + browsers match the available fodder, predators their prey, all in what gets termed a food-chain. Even the sun, up in the sky --- a huge ball of exploding hydrogen . . . the force of which is contained by its own weight + gravity

    Equilibria everywhere

    So, whenever I read about animals disappearing --- or plants . . . I wonder . . .

    . . . what purpose did those plants + animals serve? . . .

    . . . what 'equilibrium' were they a part of?

    . . . and what happens to that equilibrium when they're gone?

    Last edited by LongRanger; 12-26-2019 at 11:53 AM.

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