A short time ago I decided to try a new program at Audette Collection. It's called the AC Group Buy and the idea is to round up a minimum number of buyers in order to be able to negotiate prior prices with the vendor. AC #101 gathered a minimum of five buyers for the G-Series Mini-Blade Fuse Panel with LED's which enabled the price to be lowered from the usual $445.00 to $335.00. We quickly exceeded the five buyers required and that one has ended as a big success with great support

The second one, AC Group Buy #102, is currently underway for the purchase of Cibie Pallas Rally Lights configured with OEM Cibie lenses and Cibie covers. The regular price with that configuration is $1,375.00 and with the group's buying power it is discounted to $995.00 (28%). It was launched yesterday and at this time we have four of the five buyers needed.

I'm really enthusiastic about this program. When I first started in business it was during a time of Positive Polarity (Ray Dalio). Many were sincerely striving to put together deals where both parties won. Instead of fighting over a larger piece of pie, the goal was to make the pie bigger so everyone got a larger piece. In short, a win-win. The AC Group Buy initiative accomplishes that: the vendor wins; the customers win; and AC wins. A win-win-win. Business seems to often depend on exploitation for profitability at times and it's great to have an approach that flips that coin over.

AC Group Buys are featured at the website of course. And I also alert the list of subscribers to my newsletter "High Beams". You can subscribe to the newsletter at the website if you are interested. I'm thinking of perhaps making this our #1 activity at AC and expanding it to include parts not in our everyday catalog. And I encourage suggestions and recommendations for products for future group buys. Thanks for reading. And thanks to the Registry for allowing me to post this.

Here's to wins.