Quote Originally Posted by execmalibu View Post
In 1983 at 6AM on a Sunday in a Business District over by Pierce College (Desoto/Victory) I had my 246GTS two of buddies one with a 1979 308GTS and the other with a Euro 1980 911SC all lined up... The light turned green and away we went... We tried it repeatedly at the next few lights. Guess who won all of the races?

No one!

We were all pretty much dead even, changing each time with maybe a 1/2 car length difference up to 75-80+mph.

Retail Ferrari repairs Ain't a whole lot different then paying Retail for 911 repairs. The thing with Ferrari parts is that each dealer/parts supplier will quote you a different price for the exact same part!

When I bought a clutch package for my Dino the disc came from one place, the pressure plate came from another place and the TO Bearing came from a third place... I saved $500 on the clutch parts by buying from different places.
scene from "against all odds" James Woods took Jeff Bridges if I recall correctly but Bridges ended up w/ the girl......