• Membership

    Joining the Registry has just become a lot easier. Fill out our online application, and pay online with your credit card.

    Current members can renew from the same page.
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  • Copyright

    All pages copyright © 2017 Early 911S Registry Information and images contained in this website may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authorization of the Early 911S Registry.

    Porsche and The Porsche crest is a registered trademark of Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
  • Esses Magazine

    Advertising in "The Esses"

    The Esses is the official magazine of the Early 911S Registry. Published quarterly, it contains technical articles, editorials, questions and answers, columns by our Board of Advisors, personal stories from our members and lots of other information.

    If you have a Porsche product or service and you'd like to reach your target audience, please consider our publication to reach that audience.

    Annual ad rates (four issues per year):

    Business card - $165
    1/4 Page - $330
    1/2 Page - $550
    Full Page - $880
    Inside Front Cover - $1,100
    Inside Back Cover - $1,100

    If you're interested, please contact Michael Hammond at hammondms@earthlink.net for additional information and submission details.

    All back issues of "The Esses" are still available for only $5.00 per issue plus postage (except the "Prototype" issue).

    Message Board Disclaimer and Terms of Use
    This is a public forum. Messages posted here can be viewed by the public. The Early 911S Registry is not responsible for messages posted in its online forums, and any message will express the views of the author and not the Early 911S Registry. Use of online forums shall constitute the agreement of the user not to post anything of religious or political content, false and defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise to violate the law and the further agreement of the user to be solely responsible for and hold the Early 911S Registry harmless in the event of any claim based on their message. Any viewer who finds a message objectionable should contact us immediately by email. The Early 911S Registry has the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.