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Thread: 911 R Clone Titanium Exhaust

  1. #1

    911 R Clone Titanium Exhaust

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knew if there was a titanium exhaust option for SWB cars, or someone who could make one? Looking to put one on my 68 SWB hot rod.

  2. #2
    Would also be interested

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Santa Monica CA
    Hi purplerenn Exhaust has to be tuned to your engine. What size engine do you have in the 68 911?
    1. Chris-Early S Registry#205
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  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Wilmington, DE
    I’m putting a built 3.2/3.4 in my 67-912. I’d like to do something special with the exhaust. I’m having headers made from a design that Peter Dawe made a couple years back. He said they were the best he’s seen with a big motor. They will be stainless. My welder can weld ti so a muffler might be next. I would need a really good design to work from. If anyone has suggestions or an existing muffler that could be used as a model for a ti version, please let me know. The R version has always been my favorite style. Thanks
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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by raspy2point2 View Post
    Hi purplerenn Exhaust has to be tuned to your engine. What size engine do you have in the 68 911?
    It will be a 2.5 SS twin plugged with EFI built on an aluminum 67 S case.

  6. #6
    Oil Cooled Heart Bullethead's Avatar
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    Dundon Motorsports makes one for contemporary GT3/RS cars that weighs 9 pounds but it's really spendy... if price is no object, ask if they'd build one for you.

    Welding up a 2-in 2-out log with appropriate internal baffles isn't complicated, your local quality fabricator might be a less expensive route. If successful PLEASE post the results.

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