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Thread: Rocker Deco Options ('69)

  1. #1

    Rocker Deco Options ('69)

    Hi all,

    Just looking for some advice. My driver's side rocker trim is pretty dinged up (probably from a prior owner being sloppy with jacking the car up) and I'm looking to remedy. The way I see it, I have three options:

    1. Remove and see if it can be straightened/repaired - cost may be similar to option 2 or 3 below
    2. Purchase a repro part from Stoddard for $175 (comes with insert and beading) - link here
    3. Purchase a classic Porsche part from Stoddard for $513 (does not come with insert or beading) - link here

    Does anyone have experience with the repro or classic part? Is this one of those areas where going for the repro part is penny wise but pound foolish? Any feedback greatly appreciated. A picture of my dented rocker trim is below for reference.

    Name:  unnamed.jpg
Views: 218
Size:  56.1 KB


  2. #2
    Registry member# 206 fourteenten's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    The Netherlands
    Looks like your jacking point is slightly pushed upwards so the deco cover is bend inwards behind the top of th ejacking point. Get that one down (not easy, tough steel!) and you might be able to rescue your original alu deco strip. Forget about re-anodizing the whole thing, it will never get as shiny as it came from the factory and will costs you fair bit of money. I have no experience with the repro part, Porsche original is good and does fit but comes at a price.. If you drive your care regularly, that deco will see road rash, stones and is easily scratched. Since it is so low at the car, I would leave it or if is bothers you too much, the repro would be a good alternative.


  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Southern Ca.
    The repro is fine , the Porsche piece will not be exactly the same as the original . I obsessed with mine , had the anodizing stripped , fixed the small nicks , sanded and polished them and had them reanodized . Definitely did not make economic sense , but they look as original .

  4. #4
    #2264 classic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Gold Coast.
    I went with the Classic Porsche trims…. Very happy with the fit.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2010
    Darien, CT
    The car when we got it in 2008 had Stoddard repos on it (had the receipts). They were bad (not sure if any better if bought today). Didnt fit well and finish was off. Rep!aced with Porsche classic this year and if not perfect, much better.
    69 911S #1379
    65 356 SC #130757

  6. #6
    Thanks all - very helpful information here!

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