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Thread: Parts, manuals, tools

  1. #1

    Parts, manuals, tools

    PM me for photos
    All prices plus shipping, PP fees

    Hella 139 fog lights, excellent condition - $695
    1969-73 door front pocket upper trim (2), used - $55
    1969-73 Targa glove box light with blistered lens - $45
    Early 911/912 shift rod guide bracket 901-424-029-00 - $30
    Rennline fully mechanical decklid strut, new - $90
    6 NOS Bosch spark plugs, W250P21 - $60
    Hella flasher relay from ’70 911T, 4-spade connector – TBB1 96PL-12V - $85
    Steering column clamshells 1969-73, URO, new - $95
    Front turn signal lens, US spec (all amber), chrome trim, 1969-73, L side, very clean, aftermarket (901-631-903-04) - $50
    Front turn signal lens, US spec (all amber), chrome trim, 1969-73, R side, good driver, Bosch (901-631-904-04) - $125
    Set of NOS AM/FM black pushbuttons for mid-1970s Blaupunkt radio - $50
    Door pocket plastic hinge '69-73, new - $5
    Door light switch washers (2) '65-98, new, 901-615-615-20 - $10
    Engine sump plate gaskets (6), new, 930-101-391-01 - $25

    Haynes Weber Carburetor Manual - $25
    Clymer Porsche 911 & 912 Shop Manual, 1965-1981 - $45
    Haynes Porsche 911 (1965-1985) Owner’s Workshop Manual - $15

    Innova 5568 Pro Digital Timing Light with Storage Case (new, never used) – $85
    Weber Redline Carburetor Synchronizer Synchrometer Tool STE-SK, made in Germany (new, never used) – $50
    Feeler gauge holder with one replaceable .004" blade, SIR Tools, new - $10
    Last edited by step4d; Yesterday at 12:06 PM. Reason: Remove sold parts, add parts and tool

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Sugar Land, TX
    Do you know what years the pushbuttons go on? Have a photo?

  3. #3
    --- PM sent ---

  4. #4

  5. #5

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