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Thread: SWB rear wheel stud length and wheel fitment issue

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Seattle or LA

    SWB rear wheel stud length and wheel fitment issue


    From what I can gather there were three different wheel stud lengths for the rear wheel hubs. Im trying to fit a set of ET36 5" wheels from Group2 (aluminum steelies). The studs are not long enough.

    I was looking for a set of Fuchs deep 5.5 or 6 and wonder if I'd have the same issue mounting and need to fit new studs.

    Only about 26mm of stud protrudes from the disk. The steel wheels that were fitted on the car would have the studs just about flush to the nut once torqued down.

    Does anyone have experience fitting Deep 6 or 5.5 to this shorter stud?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Aug 2009
    edmond, OK
    I have 5.5 x 15 fuchs on my 1967 912 and went with a longer 45mm stud. There was some purchase with the closed lug nuts, but not enough for me to be comfortable. I wanted open lug nuts and had the longer studs placed. As you can see, the open nut is threaded through with about 6-7 mm of stud past the lug nut.

    Name:  longerstud.jpg
Views: 124
Size:  122.5 KB

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Seattle or LA
    Thanks for the pic. I found an old post by @JimmyT that listed these part numbers and lengths for OEM studs. Im not sure which I have, but likely the shortest.

    50mm - 928.341.671.02
    52mm - PCG.331.671.00
    66mm - 911.331.671.00

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