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Thread: 1972 License Plate Bracket

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2023

    1972 License Plate Bracket

    I am working on a European 1972 S and looking for clever ideas for mounting the rear license plate for US specs without too much damage. There are currently 2 holes, centered 470mm apart to accommodate the previous French plate which will require filling/plugging.

    Given that new holes are required to be drilled, what style license plate bracket would you recommend? There is very little working room between the muffler and body, so the old French plate was riveted with double stick tape. A picture of what I have is attached. Many thanks.
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  2. #2
    The license plate brackets were installed at the dealer level, using whatever brackets they chose to source, usually commonly available standard aluminum brackets that were installed by the make ready guys usually with sheet metal screws. So whatever you do will likely be better. I like to use riv-nuts, neater and back clearance isn't an issue.
    Early S Registry member #90
    R Gruppe member #138
    Fort Worth Tx.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Corvallis, OR
    There's a whole thread on this with pics if you're going with US spec.
    72S, 72 3.5L Signal Green, 914-6 GT Signal Green

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