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Thread: WTB: Vintage Seats

  1. #1
    Senior Member joegt3cup's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Colebrook CT

    WTB: Vintage Seats

    Looking for four legged Model R seat from Vintage Seats.

    Joe Annicelli
    Early 911S Registry #751
    Polo Red/Black 1967 Porsche 911S Coupe "Walter"
    Black/Red 1967 Alfa GTJr. Coupe "Nero"
    Italian Red 1994 Ducati 900SS/SP looks fast standing still
    Italian Red 1957 Gilera 150 Sport

    Ahhhh the sixties... I envision myself one early Saturday morning wearing plaid shorts, black shoes with white socks smoking a cigarette heading to the hardware store to buy a bag of nails.
    SWB cars are an acquired taste however once acquired theirs no turning back.

  2. #2
    Hi Joe, a buddy of mine has a set of Vintage Seats ST seats that he is getting ready to list for $2k negotiable.




  3. #3
    Good luck with your search Joe….I just purchased a pair of the model R seats from Ward at Vintage Seats and they’re beautiful!
    Attached Images Attached Images
    ESR #1572
    1968 911N
    1974 914 2.0L
    2023 Macan
    SOLD - 1967 911N / 1968 911L / 1967 911N / 1969 912 / 1991 964 C2 / 2013 991.1 / 2008 987 Cayman

  4. #4
    Senior Member joegt3cup's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Colebrook CT
    Thanks Mike, thanks Cal, they look great. Mike I'm going to hold out for the R seat which is period correct for my car.

    Joe Annicelli
    Early 911S Registry #751
    Polo Red/Black 1967 Porsche 911S Coupe "Walter"
    Black/Red 1967 Alfa GTJr. Coupe "Nero"
    Italian Red 1994 Ducati 900SS/SP looks fast standing still
    Italian Red 1957 Gilera 150 Sport

    Ahhhh the sixties... I envision myself one early Saturday morning wearing plaid shorts, black shoes with white socks smoking a cigarette heading to the hardware store to buy a bag of nails.
    SWB cars are an acquired taste however once acquired theirs no turning back.

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