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Thread: 1972 911t no spark

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Garden State

    1972 911t no spark

    A good friend of mine who introduced me to these funny little cars in 1976 has a no-spark issue.

    The car just died a block from his home and it has been sitting.

    I took a look yesterday and we confirmed that the fuel pump is making its normal sound and we smell a little gas (normal with no spark).

    The Bosch spark "switch unit" is making its normal whining sound too.

    Is there a thread of trouble shooting the no-spark issue?

    I checked the points and the bulkhead/firewall plugs that connect the ignition switch and they seem OK-


  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    35,000 ft
    just because the CDI "switch unit" makes noise doesn't mean it's good. Bob Ashlock is the expert here

    I have a spare, I'm in NJ, what exit?

    What about the coil, these have been failing a lot lately too.
    looking for 1972 911t motor XR584, S/N 6121622

  3. #3
    Senior Member Scott A's Avatar
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    South East USA
    1. Make sure you watch the points ‘open and close’
    With the distributor cap off and someone else turning the key.
    ( a rusty distributor shaft is ‘sandpaper’ and sands the plastic on the points)

    2. One time I had that 16 pin connector melt.
    It’s in the back of the car, you can carefully snap it open. Near engine, on left.
    (It melted because of a poor ground, which caused it to search for a new path to ground)

    3. Switch out a coil, since that is easy.

    Current long term ownership: 63 Cab, 71 911, 74 914

  4. #4
    Take off the distributor cap, remove the high tension lead to the coil center post, lay the lead against the coil clamp (It's very convenient ) so that the cable end is about a 1/8th" from ground. Turn on the ignition and using a long (insulated) screwdriver lay the tip on the movable point arm and alternately ground the screwdriver shaft while pushing the point arm. Each time you break the ground you should see a spark arc to ground from the coil lead.
    Early S Registry member #90
    R Gruppe member #138
    Fort Worth Tx.

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