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Thread: Repa Seat belt parts blowout

  1. #1

    Repa Seat belt parts blowout

    Selling my collection of Repa seat belt parts for my 69E. I believe these are appropriate for other years through 72? Some metal parts are freshly replated. Webbing is used and appropriate weave pattern for years. I want to sell everything in the picture in one lot. Hard to find stuff. $150 plus shipping. If you are in the USA I can put everything in a large flat rate box and ship for $22. Please don't ask for me to part out.
    Last edited by tailwind22; 08-07-2023 at 05:37 PM.
    69 911E fully restored
    73 914-6 GT Tribute w/ PMO twin plug 2.7 motor
    73 911 RSR Tribute with Rothsport 3.5 motor
    84 911 Safari build & 88 911 Carmine Red
    90 964 C2 w/993TT motor & 91 964 C2 bone stock 31k miles

  2. #2
    I'll take them. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    PM sent to you.

  3. #3
    Sold to rford033
    69 911E fully restored
    73 914-6 GT Tribute w/ PMO twin plug 2.7 motor
    73 911 RSR Tribute with Rothsport 3.5 motor
    84 911 Safari build & 88 911 Carmine Red
    90 964 C2 w/993TT motor & 91 964 C2 bone stock 31k miles

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