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Thread: Trickle Charger Cable Position

  1. #1
    Welcome! No pic so let me know if you need help.

    I charge mine with the bonnet up.
    Peter Kane

    '72 911S Targa
    Message Board Co-Moderator - Early 911S Registry #100

  2. #2
    NoelIsFirst, I do it the same way as you do for all three of my cars, one 911 and two 356s. I have been doing it this way for 30+ years.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by NoelIsFirst View Post
    Hi all,

    Just a quick question.

    Those of you running a trickle charger on your car, where do you run the cable through while it's plugged in. I recently got told it's better to run it through the top of the bonnet as pictured, but I've always just run it out the front just on the side of the Emblem with the latch in the first lock position, so th bonnet isn't fully closed.

    What's everyone else doing?

    I have done exactly this with all of my Porsche's

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  4. #4
    Senior Member larwik's Avatar
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    Me too...911's and 356 the same way but I have started to use the Cig-Lighter set up for the "newer" Porsches...feels a little strange (like cheating!) but seems to work just as fine...any input regarding this "cig" set-up for extended durations? ...sorry if I hi-jacked this thread...Thanks.../ Lars...
    Lars Wikblad...

    Early 911 "S" Registry # 527
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  5. #5
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