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Thread: Personal and Nardi steering wheels for sale

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Personal and Nardi steering wheels for sale

    365mm Personal Wood wheel 12/68 date. Nice condition. $300
    360mm Personal Leather wheel 67 date (I belive). Some patina and need stiching. $300
    Hub (new unused) Momo - Nardi/Personal for early cars. $125
    Personal Horn button, rare and nice $200

    Or, one wheel with Hub and Horn button $500

    Nardi 360mm leather wheel. Nice condition. Ca 8cm back space. $200
    Or $250 with Hub.

    Shipping $30-50 WW.
    '67 911S Sunroof, Polo Red(Project disguised as a G-model)
    '67 912 Sunroof, Light Ivory(Alive and kickin')
    '67 912 SWTarga, Signal Red(Project in the making)
    X: 67 911 Coupe + 67S Targa, 912, 924, 944, 928, 356

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Bump and new prices!
    $200 each Personal wheel
    $400 for personal package
    $150 for Nardi wheel
    '67 911S Sunroof, Polo Red(Project disguised as a G-model)
    '67 912 Sunroof, Light Ivory(Alive and kickin')
    '67 912 SWTarga, Signal Red(Project in the making)
    X: 67 911 Coupe + 67S Targa, 912, 924, 944, 928, 356

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