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Thread: What style interior door panel for a 1970 911S

  1. #1

    What style interior door panel for a 1970 911S

    I have a pair of smooth vinyl door panels on my 70 S, but I dont think they are correct. Should I have a pair of the basketweave style? Thanks for any tips. Dave Conklin

  2. #2

    My 70T has basket-weave material

    for the door panels. My 69S has the same thing. The basketweave materials match the center section of the front non-sport seats and the front part of the dash strips....

  3. #3

    door panels

    Now my 70 S Targa has basket weave on the doors and the face of the dash. Also basket weave as the seat insert area. It was built 10/69.

  4. #4
    .... same as above: basketweave on doors and dash face.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Suffolk, VA

    dash and door panels

    My 70S coupe has basketweave on the doors and dash - this is normal.

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