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Thread: Repa seat belt cover

  1. #1

    Repa seat belt cover

    Really technical . . . but does anyone have (or know where I can find) the plastic cover that goes on the buckle of my over shoulder and lap seat belt non retractable. The belt is original 1971 standard equipment.

    It has the following printed on it 'REPA 01.0020.3'

    I'm inquiring with Peparts . . but thought I'd ask anyway.


    PS. Can I buy a pressure fed upgrade kit from anyway . . . knowing it will be the same no matter . . . all supplied from the same place, right? I need the 'Carrera' tensioners. . . right?

  2. #2

    Seat belt cover and tensioners

    The seat belt covers should be available from the usual parts sources (Pelican, Tweeks, etc.).

    The Carreras ('84 on) were equipped with these tensioners. The pressure fed tensioners are probably more descriptive. They will fit all 911s starting from '67. I belive there are two sources for this: PCNA and OEM (the company who supplies this to Porsche).

    Hope this helps
    Early 911S Registry

  3. #3
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    Belt Cover

    I Have one... e-mail me off the list.
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