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Thread: Brake master cylinder

  1. #1

    Brake master cylinder

    I'm in need of replacing my single circuit master cylinder for my standard 66 model. Upgrading to dual circuit is tempting, I therefore need some advice on problem areas I may experience.

    When searching for parts the 19mm cylinder from 69 on is available. Also a US dual circuit from 65 on seems on the market (17mm?). My car is a US model but has as you know a single cylinder. Was the dual an option?

    What parts do I need in addition to new brake lines?

    Any advice for this upgrade is very appreciated.


  2. #2
    "My car is a US model but has as you know a single cylinder."

    I think you meant "single circuit", no? The dual circuit master cylinder is also a "single cylinder", it just has separate circuits for front and rear, not separate cylinders.

    I have not heard of a '65+ 17mm M/C, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. I don't believe it was an option for the early SWB 911. The 19mm '69+ M/C will work fine on your car, but you will also need the proper reservoir for the later model, with dual feed lines, and most people relocate it from the smuggler's box to the left inside fenderwell in the process. Re-routing the feed lines is easier that way, but you will still have to drill a hole in the firewall behind the gas tank (don't drill thru the tank when you're doing it, though!).

    You also need to reroute the brake lines to pick up the F & R outlet connections on the new M/C.


  3. #3

    Re: Brake master cylinder - additional comments

    Sorry for my inaccurate choise of words, I certainly meant single circuit.

    The work shop manual do not state any dual circuit for the swb cars and I haven't seen any on the option list. I just found it listed at as US dual circuit mod 65-77 and was wondering.

    If it is possible I would like to install the new reservoir in the old place. The car is all original and I don't want to spoil that more than necessary. But I also want to travel more safe at mountain passes here in Norway.


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