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Thread: Where to stick Weltmeister sticker?

  1. #1

    Where to stick Weltmeister sticker?

    On a 911S LHD US supplied car can anyone give me the deinitive location for placing the Weltmeister sticker.
    Drivers side or passenger side and does the placement on the window vary or were they precisely placed when originally fitted.
    I assume for a '72 car the correct sticker would be 69/70/71 version.

  2. #2

    Weltmeister decal placement

    Go to the Registry home page and click on "Marken Weltmeister Decals"....


    I think this page answers your question.


  3. #3

    Re: Weltmeister decal placement

    Thanks, that's great except it doesn't mention whether the placement would be on the driver or passenger side (for a LHD) for the 69/70/71 version sticker.

  4. #4

    Re: Weltmeister decal placement

    On a USA equipped vehicle? Passenger side, rear window. Back edge of the sticker is approx. 3 and 3/16" from the farthest back curve of the window trim..not the window seal, the metal trim. From the bottom trim to the bottom edge of the decal? 7/16". Ditto from the top trim to the top of the decal. I'm speaking of the outer edges of the decal, not where the decal lettering starts. So, how do I know this? I'm just back from my garage, after measuring. And I'm 99.9% positive that the decal was placed there by factory hands in July of 1972. With this triangulation, you should be able to get pretty close. Hope I was of some help.

  5. #5

    Shell Oil decal

    Can someone tell me the years the Shell Oil decal available through the Registry was used? I have a Shell decal on my 72S, but it's different from the one on this web site. While we're at it, what's the correct placement?



  6. #6


    I would probably bet PWD's farm that these stickers were not applied methodically OR empirically. My guess, Wolfgang, applied these in the right rear 1/4 window during production, and depending how many beers Wolfgang had at lunch predicated where these were applied. I wouldn't sweat "exactly" they were placed.

    Of course, IMHO.............

  7. #7

    Re: Weltmeister..

    Jack? Curt's most likely right about the exact placements of the decals. Too many variables I've seen over the years. But the Shell decal you asked about? Well, it was one of the things I criticized on pelican when people were debating if your car was original or a repaint. The decal on your air cleaner is a reproduction of a later model decal...because the originals were then NLA original and nobody had reproduced them yet. The $25 reproduction on the above site is near enough to fool most the concours judges out there. Placement of the shell decal? Look at the clips on the right side of your air cleaner housing, you facing toward the front of the car. The lower left corner of the decal to the top of the left clip, the one closest to you, is approx. 3". Now, the right lower corner of the decal? It's approx. 5/8" from the top of the next housing clip to your right. Hope this makes some sense... Best, Paul

  8. #8

    Re: Weltmeister..

    Thanks, Paul. But the repro decal on this site, what years is it correct for? (I'm also asking for a friend who has a 71S, and for my 70 914/6 as well as my 72S)

    Thanks again!


  9. #9

    Re: Weltmeister..

    Jack? On that, I'm not sure...can't really remember what my '70T had, though it was some kind of Shell decal...but I did report on what's on my '72. My guess...just a guess...would be that '71 is the same. Again just a guess, based on my fading memory? 1970 as well...and then,. I'd GUESS the decal would be the same on a 914-6...

  10. #10

    Alternate Weltmeister Location

    On the set of the movie LeMans, McQueen's US-spec gray 70S had its Weltmeister sticker in the lower right (passenger side) corner of the windshield. Maybe this was done for PR reasons, thinking that photos of McQueen driving the car would include the sticker?? It's just visible in a couple of in-car scenes during the movie.

    Also: For Targas the sticker goes on the right side rear window just behind the roll bar.

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