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Thread: Different tyre profiles

  1. #1

    Different tyre profiles

    On factory 73RS´s, why were the front tyres 70 series and the rear tyres were 60 series?
    Unlike on S models, the tyres were 70 series all round.

    Thanks in advance.
    p.s. Did Michelin ever make XWX´s in 60 series?

  2. #2
    Here's a place to play with tire sizes, and your answer may be here as well. But I think you'll find that the wider 60 series tires actually had a diameter close to the 70 series up front...

  3. #3

    Different tyre profiles

    pwd, thanks for this. You are right, the 215/60 has the same diameter as the 185/70.

    If only I could find OEM's.........

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