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Thread: Sport seat belt warning light

  1. #1

    Sport seat belt warning light

    i have sport recarros in my 73.5 t and i was wondering what controls the seat belt warning light. is it a sensor under the seat or something else? my warning light would not turn off, so i took out the little bulb. also, was there a buzzer for the seat belt warning? if there was, mine must have been disengaged by the previous owner. but i would be interested in having it all woek properly. thanks for any advise.

  2. #2
    There is an electrical connection under each seat which connects to the female part of the seat belt fastener. If the seat belt (male end) is not inserted, and the handbrake is released, the dash board light illuminates, & buzzer sounds. Insert the male end, & the light & buzzer go off.
    Look under the seat for a coiled black sleeve with two wires - one black & one blue - they should lead to the seat belt receiver mounted on your seats.
    Hope this helps,
    1972 911S

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