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Thread: Shell oil decal

  1. #1

    Shell oil decal

    The Shell oil decal is for sale at the registry, this is a yellow sticker with red text. Tweeks has the same decal for sale, only with a yellow border on a white background, also red text.

    Which one is correct for a 73 S coupe, is there a difference with European or USA cars ? Did Porsche made a difference between the build years ?

  2. #2
    Chuck Miller

    > Shell oil decal

    As far as I can tell the sticker offered on this site is good through 73’ up to about an April build date then the car can have either the yellow sticker or the longer white background sticker, however, it’s slightly different then the one offered by tweeks. My car is an April car #1099 and it had the white sticker … that sticker was pretty beat so I put the yellow one on.

    I’ve seen early 73’s with the yellow and late 73’s with the white … where they changed is anyone’s guess

    Hope this helps,

  3. #3

    Re: > Shell oil decal

    Thanks Chuck,
    Here's a link to the WM page:

    Early 911S Registry web

  4. #4

    Let's see...

    I could get an oil change for what that "sticker" cost. When Fred S showed us those in Cambria, we ALL had, had too many cerveza's. Needless to say, when he told us "how much" we ALL could only "snicker" very loudly...Good 'ol Freddy...

    We did have the presence of mind to ask Freddy if there would be any liability if we displayed the Shell $$ticker and actually used Mobil 1..Freddie's big on lawsuits!!

  5. #5

    Shell oil decal

    Thanks for the info Chuck! My ex-S (0544) had a yellow sticker, my April 73 build RS none. There are still the marks where the sticker sat, I have to measure the size of it and compare with the registry one. Can you get me the exact size of it?

    Yes, my engine is also running on Mobil-1, I'll probably put two Shell stickers on it and hope Freddie won't notice the smell of Mobil-1...

  6. #6

    Shell oil decal

    Take it from me, the Registry is not making significant money on these decals that we purchase from the guy who makes them. We're just making them available to the guys who MUST have this NLA, period-correct-looking engine label. For the rest of us, we'll pour in whatever brand we have in the garage and let everyone guess what that was.


  7. #7
    Chuck Miller

    > Shell oil decal

    The sticker is 3 7/16 (85mm) long x 2 1/4 (57mm) high

    With me It's been Kendall GT-1 for over 25 years in all the cars.
    So ... below the factory Shell sticker my old S has a Kendall 'red hand victory sign' sticker.

    Old habits die hard my friend.


  8. #8

    Shell OIL decal

    As Sherwood has already mentioned, these NLA decals have been produced only for those who seek to keep their 72-73 T,E,S 911's as original as possible. At $25ea, the amount of time, research, effort, design, experimentation and cash outlay that went into preproducing a one-time run of 100 decals barely makes it. The special log of 3M adhesive so that these decals will stick in there hot and oily conditions was worth over $500.- alone.
    The result is a decal which is identical to the original in feel, thickness and looks.
    Sorry, no get-rich program going on here. All I really get out of it is meeting and talking to Early Porsche 911 fanatics from the world over, who love to keep their cars original as possible. At the end of it, the Early S Registry get's recognized as a NLA source and is hopfully able to add a few dollars to the pot so that we can keep this Registry thing going stonger.
    I respect anyones comments, but If you knew the undertaking that went on, you'd stop your snikering.

    Regards, R. Gross

    (p.s. I forgot to mention, these decals have been approved and given anal blessing from Herr Schmidt.)

  9. #9


    I appreciate your efforts, Robert. I have purchased all of the decals you offer through the Registry. They are a bargain when you consider that they have been unavailable for decades. The Shell sticker and Weltmeister decals look great on my '72S . They add authenticity to the car in my eyes - much better than the Tweeks reproductions I had on there before. Thanks!

    Randy Wells

  10. #10


    Indeed all of the decals, both the Weltmeister and the Shell are of the highest quality, I even expressed to Robert that he was selling them too cheap. He needed a couple of the unavailable decals and decided that the time and money that went into making one, it was worth it to help out others in the registry and just cover his cost. I have no idea why Fred S, even bothered trying to hock those at a R gruppe meeting, probably not the right demographic.


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