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Thread: Faulty tail lights

  1. #1
    PNW 73S

    Faulty tail lights

    'Evening fellow crazy people,

    I'm having a problem and could use some advice. While running my '73 at the track the other day, I was notified of a problem with my tail lights. Basically, they illuminate with the ignition and are not affected by the headlight switch position. Also, the brake pedal has no effect on the tail lights with the ignition in any position. I assume this indicates a faulty tail light switch...can anyone confirm?

    I don't know if it's related in any way, but earlier in the day I noticed my seat belt warning light illuminate for the first time since I owned the car. The driver's side seat belt was connected at the time.

    Many thanx,

  2. #2
    PNW 73S
    Nevermind, I found the problem.
    The flat washer located on the brake pedal push-rod was not making proper contact with the brake light switch "arm". After a few turns of the wrench on the adjacent nut, the washer was stabilized and the system works fine.


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