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Thread: Include pics with message

  1. #1

    Include pics with message

    This forum now supports images you'd care to upload with your message. To do this, click on "Post A Link" in the column to the left.

    Go to item No. 2: "To Make an Image Within a Post"
    Here's an example:

    In addition, there are other EZ Board codes for add'l formatting options.

    Best wishes,
    Early 911S Registry web

  2. #2
    Rick Cabell

    don't get it

    I am in public admitting to my lack of computer knowledge.
    I don't see "post A link in the left column" You need to hold me by the hand!
    BTW,missed you at the lit. meet and Dunkles. Hope the bike races went well.

  3. #3

    Re: don't get it

    I'm with you Rick...I'm also blind...

  4. #4

    Re: don't get it

    Sorry, I should have been more explicit.

    You have to be in the reply mode. Select "Add a Reply". You should then see the "Post A Link" help menu in the left column.


  5. #5

    Re: don't get it

    Wait, let me try this:

    No, that's not working.

  6. #6

    Re: don't get it

    Wait, it's not the "Include Personal Photo" option. It's really the same system that was here before:

  7. #7
    Rick Cabell

    jacks car

    Jack, your car looks like it went on a frame machine and streched about a foot. Or is it a prototype for a limosine project?

  8. #8
    Chuck Miller

    jacks car

    Rick.......... That's funnnnny.... still looking-still laughing


  9. #9

    Re: jacks car

    Sorry guys,
    The EZ board staff tells me the image storage feature has been hung up (for some reason). They contracted with an outside service that isn't servicing very well. In the meantime, use the "add the personal photo" option as is currently provided.

    Early 911S Registry

  10. #10

    Long, long-hood

    It does look stretched, doesn't it? I never noticed it before. It might be the angle the picture was taken at. I don't think I squeezed it in Photoshop, or anything like that.

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