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Thread: Does this sound right

  1. #1

    Does this sound right

    I am going to see the following car tonight, just wanted to know if this is a normal conversion and rebuid, and if yes what do i need to watch out for.

    PORSCHE 911 T/E 2.4 Coupe - LHD - 1969 (G) Black

    Beautiful black classic 911 T/E 2.4 LHD Coupe with a comprehensive history file. Originally manufactured in 1969, this car was imported from Italy in 1992.
    In 1996 a bare metal re-spray, complete engine, gearbox and brakes rebuild (to ‘S’ spec) was carried out. The car drives superbly, sounds and handles like as an ‘S’ spec. should. Benefiting from five new ‘Continental CP’ tyres on excellent Fuchs wheels, an excellent, clean interior and official Porsche ‘Luisi’ sports steering wheel, a modern removable fascia stereo and Thatcham Cat 1 alarm complete the package. The car was serviced and waxoyled 2 months ago, has 10 months MOT and is fully tax exempt.
    If your looking for a reliable well maintained, beautiful 911, this is the car for you. The car is currently stored in Central London.

  2. #2
    Can't be original if it has a 2.4 engine as they started in late 1971 (1972 model year)

  3. #3


    How did you get on?

    If the price is right and your happy with it having the worng engine - it could be alright.

    One point however. When I was looking a was warned to be extra careful about Italian cars (well Southern Italian cars claiming to be from a dry climate). Often cars were shipped there from other countries and sold on. As long as there's some documented history, this isn't a problem.

    Why is he selling? - seems strange to have in waxoyled only 2 months ago.


  4. #4

    not so good

    This definitely wasn't the one, looked good on paper and drove very nicely but:

    Wouldn't start (starter motor or electric problems, so had to push start it.

    Two oil leaks from each side of the engine

    Couldn't really check undercarriage due to waxyoil

    Back window seals needs replacing

    Had already been reduced to 11k but would not take any offers.

    But I am having the 911s (Weber carbs) checked in more detail by a professional, the price has come down and it does seem very well looked after. But I will need to find two headrests for the front seats (wife's requirements) but they seem pretty hard to find? Any ideas?

    Phil why did you discount this car exactly? You can reply on my email if you wish? I am really not that fussy about it being a full original etc but I do want it to be in good working order.

    Thanks for all the tips and help so far, im learning very quickly thats for sure.

  5. #5

    just a feeling

    If you don't mind it being non-original, then this could be the car. One thing I was hugely worried about when I was buying was rust - hence I was looking for a 'dry state' left hooker. Looking at the history of this car it seemed to me to have spent most of it's life in Montana (which isn't dry - I believe). The restoration in the states also seemed to DIY (which could however be to a good standard) - and when it was sold to the bloke in the UK the advert claimed the restoration was 99% complete (perhaps the reupholstered seats make it 100%).

    I don't know, it just didn't feel right. Not having matching engine and chassis was probably the biggest reason - not because this had an effect on performance, just because it hints to a potentially poorly maintained car.

    For the price, it is however probably a good buy (I ended up buying nearly twice as much for a near perfect T).

    Tells us how you got on with the inspection.


  6. #6
    Roland Kunz


    But I will need to find two headrests for the front seats (wife's requirements) but they seem pretty hard to find? Any ideas?

    Porsche used the same headrests for standard and sportseat. Thereare 2 versions. The D and the O shaped ones. Most 69 on seats have the guding tubes allready welded in and you just cut the holes open insert the hole covers and then the headrests.

    Both headrests are still aviable as new raws. Even Porsche has still some.


  7. #7

    Italian cars

    Can you please explain more why we have to be extra careful when buying southern Italian 911's. What experiences have you had in that respect?


  8. #8


    Which shape headrests (D or O) is correct for 72S coupe with standard seats?
    And do you know what are the part numbers?

    Many thanks,

  9. #9

    Re. Italian Cars

    When I was looking, someone who inspected cars and dealt with Porsches as a living, told me to be a little careful with cars claiming to be from southern Italy (i.e. probably the only place that remains dry in Europe - and avoids the dreaded rust).

    He said that often cars were imported from wetter, colder climates; a) because labour is cheaper in Italy, so major resto's are cheaper, and b) they can be sold on as dry climate cars.

    If there's proof that the car has lived it's life in Italy - the car is honest. If not, you've got to question where it's from.

    Regarding the headrest - you could try Transend in Cambridge.


  10. #10

    Re: Headrests

    Ian, think I can answer that one. The headrests on my '72 S coupe are the D shaped ones...(I'm assuming you're thinking of the end-on view?) My car has sports seats. But both sport and standard seats used the same headrests. My car is USA equipment, but I believe the seats were the same world wide?

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