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Thread: that old chestnut, 7inch rims

  1. #1

    that old chestnut, 7inch rims

    I want to put 7x 15 fuchs on the back of my 72 911 (narrow body) with 205x55's. Some people I speak to say that it will fit and some say it won't. So what is the concensus?

  2. #2
    They may or they may not...that's the rub. (Sorry, couldn't resist the pun) In the early years, not all the bodies were made exactly the same. There are slight variations from car to car. I'm running 7X15's with 195/65...and it's tight! And my car is running a very beefed suspension, 23-28 torsion bars, 19mm F&R sway bars. Plus, I did roll the fenders. My excuse for this? This was all done back in the mid 1970's...hey, the early S was just another car back then, and I thought it would look cool.

  3. #3

    ...just another car ?

    Paul...your 'ol jolopy is FAR from "just a Porsche". It could be the the sixth wonder of the world. Stop bein' so damn polite ............

  4. #4

    Re: ...just another car ?

    Thanks for that. I run 205 x 55 so2's on both front and back on 6 inch rims
    I get the feeling that I'm a bit overtyred. If I put 205x55's on 7's at the back what should I put on the 6's at the front?

  5. #5

    Re: ...just another car ?

    Would 195/70VR15 work on the front, and 205/70VR15 on the rear work? (70 series for the vintage look).

  6. #6

    Re: ...just another car ? might work, but boy would it be at the upper limits with 205/70. 205/65 rear, 195/65 front? Actually, I'm running 195/65 all around because that's closest to original dia. But I have seen lots of guys running 205/60. And some running 205/65.

  7. #7
    The 7x15 "R" rim might be something to consider; It has a different off-set so would give more space in the wheel arc. Thus more rubber... Working with wheel spacers will give the added arc filling.


  8. #8
    Paul, I guess I'd better make a decision. The wheels are on their way from Weidman's!


  9. #9
    Jack, here's a link from the "technical" section of this site. You can play a LOT here with tire sizes, see how far off they are from the original 185/70 in both width and diameter. Wish it was available to me when my Michelin XWX's were wearing out. Instead, I paid several long distance tolls with a tire expert, before deciding on the 195/65 on all 4 corners. I assume you're still running the 7's on all four, like when you bought the car? Just getting those refinished?

    Tom? Great idea on the R wheels, but they are a real bitch on '72 models...the forward oil tank makes for oil line placements that present a right rear clearance problem for the R wheels.

  10. #10
    No, actually Harvey's sending me 6" fronts and 7" rears with 3 prong center caps.

    I'm also getting a set of deep dish 6x15 for the 914/6. Pretty soon I'll be up to my, uh, belt buckle in old tires and Fuchs!

    Thanks for the link. I'll take a look at it tonight.

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