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Thread: Fuchs wheel refinishing

  1. #1

    Fuchs wheel refinishing


    Where did I see the/a technical article on refinishing my 73 6x15 Fuchs? When I heard $200/wheel, I decided to try this myself. Thanks.
    John aka caproader

  2. #2
    Chuck Miller

    Fuchs wheel refinishing

    John, you might have read it in 101 911 projects.

    I finished my other set (track) of Fuchs myself about 2 months ago. Man, I don't know how much your time is worth but ... 'it's no walk on the beach!' The next time I will let the pros do it. Shop around, but Weidmans Wheels up in Oroville, Ca (530) 534-7903 does the best work I've ever seen.

    Good luck,

  3. #3

    Fuchs refinishing

    Chuck: Thanks for the tip. I will look at 101 projects and call Calif. Thanks again

  4. #4

    Save your fingers

    Polished and painted in the old style is $50-75 a wheel (and worth every penny, IMO). More for anodized. Al Reed Specialty Polishing in Anaheim.

  5. #5
    I just had my 73S wheels refinished by Wheel Enhancement and they did an outstanding job.

  6. #6
    Harvey Weidman has refinished three sets of Fuchs for me. He's the best, in my opinion. If you want the wheels restored to original factory specs, I don't think anyone can do it better.

  7. #7

    request for tel #'s

    Jack and Bulldog:
    Do you have a tel # or e-mail address for these guys?
    Thanks. John

  8. #8

    Re: request for tel #'s

    Harvey Weidman is 530-534-7903 in Oroville, CA.

  9. #9

    refurbish Fuchs

    Just make sure the wheels are VERY WELL polished when you offer them for anodizing. Only polished they look good, but when anodizing, bad spots come out (white pitting). Just a tip. Have some experience with refurbishing Fuchs's.


  10. #10

    Al Reed Polishing

    Al Reed Specialty Polishing
    3010 East Coronado Street
    Anaheim, CA 92806
    Main Phone: (714) 632-3907

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