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Thread: Boge shocks on a 73S?

  1. #1
    Plays with Cars

    Boge shocks on a 73S?

    I'm planning on replacing the shocks on my 73 S so I checked the front struts to confirm if they are Koni. To my surprise they were Boge; rear shocks too. I thought all 'S's came with Koni or Bilsteins. Anyone seen an S with Boge? Overall the car appears VERY original and there are no receipts in the cars history to indicate this extensive of a suspension change.

  2. #2

    Boge shocks

    My February 1972 911S can with Boge shocks also.

  3. #3

    Re: Boge shocks '72S, built July, was (still is) Koni..

  4. #4

    The nice thing about Boge's is

    you can put Bilstein inserts in the fronts! If you had Koni's, you have to stick with Koni's. From what I understand, the Bilsteins are a big improvement over Boge or Koni.

  5. #5
    Plays with Cars

    Pulled the strut inserts tonight

    I pulled the inserts out of the struts tonight and they are definitely still the originals: strut was full of oil and inside were the guts of the shock. I'm replacing with Bilsteins because I've heard they handle great but still offer reasonable ride.

  6. #6

    Re: Pulled the strut inserts tonight

    My 73 S with Sporto has Boges. When I took the right front apart (haven't done the left yet), the exterior shell of the insert and the chrome shock rod came out in pieces, along with copius quantities of oil. BTW the car also had black boge shocks in back. I have been told that Koni makes an insert for Boge struts.

    John (aka Caproader)

  7. #7
    Paragon Products

    Re: Pulled the strut inserts tonight

    Koni will make inserts for both the Boge or Koni strut housing. The standard application will be a standard adjustable hydraulic unit although you can use the later style externally adjustable gas units in either of these strut housings.

    Jason Burkett
    Paragon Products

  8. #8
    Rick Cabell

    boge struts

    This thread caught my eye. I have a 74 Euro carrera (911/83, 210 HP,MFI),and the standard front struts are Boge! I thought all S cars through the years had Koni. I understood also that all 67 911S cars had Koni stuts. I have a parts car that is VERY original,and that one also has boge struts.
    Any input?

  9. #9

    boge struts

    Hey Rick, when I purchased my January build '72S with 48K original miles on it, it had Boge struts and worn out Boge shocks too. I always thought that was odd - maybe not? Anyway, the Bilsteins that I have now in the front and rear I really like.

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