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Thread: Question About 69 911S with a 2.7

  1. #1

    Question About 69 911S with a 2.7

    HI everyone I'm new here, may be I should consider myself lucky to be loyal to my mechanic of 14 years. He is retiring and had offered me his 1969 911S coupe with a 73 2.7 engine with 6 Barrel webber conversion. The only problem is he hasnt used it for 8 years. We havent even started it yet since were both busy, it used to be his daily driver and decided to display it in the shop. Are there any problems I should be concerned about getting this car, and any advice on what I should do before I even drive it around. He said it was in tip top shape before he stored it. I will take some pictures soon to show it. I guess all the referrals I made paid off...thanks for the advice..anybody??

  2. #2
    Roland Kunz

    Question About 69 911S


    It depends on how the car was stored.

    I guess the fuel turned into slime and you have to flush the fuelsystem and renew the dryed out hoses. but maybe not.
    Maybe feed the carbs from a seperate canister with fresh fuel and skip on the fuelines untill you know whats up.

    Check the oil or just dump it and refill something for the first runs. The problem is that there will not appier much on the dipstick but unscrew the oilfilter and drain that oil to check out the consistence. If the dipstick shows rust the humidty in the car had been high then better open one top valvecover and look for the camshaft to check for rust there.

    If there is then prelube them and replace the oilfilter more often.

    Could be that the Webers will fill the engine with fuel and you have to dump it short after again.


  3. #3

    Re: Question About 69 911S

    What exactly do you mean when you say he hasn't "used" it? Does this mean he hasn't even fired the engine up in 8 years? Or it just hasn't been on the road? If he's a mechanic and knew it was going to be put on display-only status, did he prep it for that beforehand?

    I can't say for sure what you are getting into without more info, but depending on the price, I would not let that car get away from me. It sounds like it would be really fun once you re-commission it.

    For a data point, I bought an older Formula Ford last year that hadn't been raced since 1991, but the owner had enough smarts to at least start the engine every few weeks and run it up to temp while it was stored in his garage. He had blown the clutch and parked it, but the engine was still fine. I flushed all the fluids, rebuilt all the calipers and master/slave cylinders, cleaned and re-foamed the fuel cell, replaced the clutch, tires and battery, and it fired right up. After an alignment and corner balancing, it's been running great ever since and earning trophies in autox events.


  4. #4
    Robert G Laverty

    Weber Carb

    You WILL need to remove the carbs and take them apart. All the small orifices - especially the idle jet and transition holes, will likely be clogged. I've had to do this on all my early 911s with Webers.

  5. #5

    Re: Weber Carb

    Thanks for all the advice, hopefully I could get to it before end of this month since I have to work graveyard for 3 weeks, sucks.....

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