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Thread: air filters for MFI

  1. #1

    air filters for MFI

    Hey Gang,
    Does anybody know if a low restriction, K & N type of air filters with watersheds, like the carb type, is made for MFI. K & N says they don't make them. I was tweekin' it the other night and took it out with no filters at all on it for a short distance. What a sweet sound!

  2. #2
    Roland Kunz

    air filters for MFI


    There is no direkt replacment for the late plastic runners.

    Early aluminium runners can use low profile units.

    However the best filter is still the original drum version.

    It was developed for Mercedes to be used in there 6.3 V8 ( 600 and 6.3 ) and also used by Opel in ther Diplomats ( wich had the 5,7 L LS 48 ).

    The K&N low restriction is relatet to what american automotive uses as standard filters

    K&N only make more noise and add maintance cost & time. And if you don´t clean & oil them regulary they cost power and support silicose.


  3. #3
    There's a gentleman who is making carbon fiber "watershield-type" filter housings. Perhaps he's also making a base plate to fit onto the MFI setup. You can email me for his contact number.

    BTW, no affiliation,
    Early 911S Registry web

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