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Thread: Gate Shifter for 915 trans

  1. #1

    Gate Shifter for 915 trans

    Just wondering. Is anyone interested in a spring-loaded gate shifter for their 915? I'm working on a better alternative right now.


  2. #2

    Gate Shifter for 915 trans


    Let me know what you work out. I also have a 78 SC that I had never liked the "dongle" of th stick.


  3. #3

    Do you mean a spring-loaded detent for the 1st-2nd gate like the Robotek? I would be interested in what you come up with. I always thought they were a little pricey @ $300. Nothing can ruin your day like a 5th-2nd accidental downshift at speed, though.


  4. #4

    RE: Gate Shifter for 915 trans

    Hi Tom,
    Yes, it's a spring-loaded shifter kit (for 1st/2nd) that works like the Robotek. In addition, there is an important feature that my shifter kit has that was overlooked by their makers - a gate that relieves spring pressure that causes noise (in some cases) and wear of the internal transaxle shift rods.

    The main reason for creating this was because I too wanted the piece of mind of reducing that trip from 5th-to-2nd. After looking into it I saw this shortcoming not the least of which was the price. This should be a lot more reasonable in cost, plus be a better alternative to what's out there now ... or the factory unit. Not having seen this yet, what do you think the price range should be?


  5. #5

    I just bought the Wevo

    and I still can't sit down. I thought I was buying the whole shifter assembled. I do like the new angle of the Wevo shifter though. It should make reaching 3rd gear while tightly strapped into a race seat much easier. This thing was twice the price of the Robotek too. I will probably trade it to my mechanic towards the work on my rebuild and would be interested in seeing your better, more affordable creation.

  6. #6

    Re: shifter

    Hi Sherwood,

    does it also makes the "throw" shorter? I.e. would it resemble a short shifter kit?


  7. #7

    RE: Shifter

    Hi Tom,
    My shift kit doesn't shorten the throws. That's a function of the shift lever geometry provided by the factory short shift kit (911.424.931.000) and after-market kits. My kit defines each gear position better (short shift or not) and reduces shifting errors and potential engine damage when downshifting into a lower gear than intended (e.g. 5th to 2nd instead of 4th gear, or 4th to 1st instead of 3rd gear).


  8. #8

    Re: RE: Gate Shifter for 915 trans


    If they were 1/2 the price of the Robotek (say, $150) and functionally superior, as you indicate, you would sell a boatload of them, I think.


  9. #9

    RE: Gate Shifter for 915 trans

    Hi Tom,
    Thanks for the input. It should be ready next week. I'll post pics and description.


  10. #10

    Gate Shifter is here

    Here's one of the first production pieces on my car. I'll have some in Cambria this weekend.

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