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Thread: Correct Carpet Options for 72S

  1. #1

    Correct Carpet Options for 72S

    New to the board but am a long-time owner of a 1972 Albert Blue Sun-roof coup. That said, the vehicle in question is currently under restoration. One of the last components needed to complete the project is new carpet. The vehicle is Albert Blue as mentioned earlier and originally came with tan leather interior. I intend to change the interior to black leather (seats, door panels, package-tray, etc) and will use the German high-end wool (versus domestic pile) as the material of choice for the carpet replacement. Note that the head-liner is currently black.

    Does changing the color of the interior lessen the value of the vehicle? The vehicle is not quite concourse quality but pretty close.
    What carpet color options were available in 1972?
    What carpet color options would be correct for this model year?
    Where do you recommend that I purchase the new carpet set.
    Anything else that I need to be aware of when I replace the carpet... Thanks in advance

    Darkstar (aka Mishast)

  2. #2


    Leave the tan, its more unique and quite bitchin on the Prince Albert Blue. I wouldnt go out of my way to have the plain old boring black and change that headliner to ivory.

  3. #3
    Chuck Miller

    > blaa!

    Was hesitant to say it myself, but I completely agree with Schmidt.

    That's not only coming from a designer, but what's more important, coming from the owner of a blue car with a black interior.

    Sounds like a great car just like it is... but to each his own.

    Good luck,

    PS.. Darkstar, a few of us have the factory 'Samples Guide', mine goes from 356's to 1973. If you give me your e-mail address (mine is on the 'contact' page of this site) maybe I can help with more options.

    Chuck Miller .. Creative Advisor Early 911-S Registry

  4. #4

    Re: > blaa!

    Oh no...go to black! That will make my tan interior even more unique.

  5. #5

    So What About the Color Options?

    Back to the original question. What WERE the carpet color options available. Or for that matter, interior color options in general. My 71 Color Brochure shows black, brown, and beige - any color interior available with any exterior color. What about special order colors? -- Curt

    PS: remember those 71 FIA rear seat bolsters? I came across a photo of a 71S with the rear seat bolsters in tan. I'm not sure why I find that interesting?

  6. #6

    Carpet Options

    Well, after all of the input (thanks yall) I have decided not to put an interior into my vehicle.

    No honestly, Chuck provided me with the original sample guides (thanks) and now I am in the proces of determining what combination of trim and carpet colors to select. Stay tuned. Thanks@gain


  7. #7


    I still can't figure out how to post an image. Please help.
    Anyways, hope this link helps with your interior choice, it's a pic of my Albert Blue coupe with tan leather.


  8. #8

    Re: testing

    I think your URL is the problem. By uploading the image to my site I was able to do it.

  9. #9
    Roland Kunz

    Correct Carpet Options for 72S


    Special order colors I know had been:

    Darkblue ( I know a 72 T Coupe )
    Burgundy ( I know a 73 S targa )
    Brown ( I know a 73 S police car )
    Darkgreen ( Seen in a 72 S at the factory workshop )

    All cars had the vinyl in maching colors the Piech car has matching fabric.

    The police car had rubber floor mats and vinyl covered door sills.

    Dash tops and door tops had always been black.

    Also Dr. Konradsheim covers some special color combinations in his RS book.


  10. #10
    das RS Buch, also in English available.
    Check out
    For the 72/73 Esses a wonderful informative book as well!


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