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Thread: 67S glove box handle

  1. #1
    Rick Cabell

    67S glove box handle

    I am going down the home stretch on my 67S project. I have a puzzeling situation. Brett Johnsons book says that the glove box handle on a 67 car is part of the glove box door and extends the width of the entire door,like the later cars. I also have the factory sales catalog for the 67S which was printed in mid 66 and it shows the full length handle as Johnson's book says is correct. I have 3 67S cars and they all have the 4 inch plastic handle like the earlier cars had. Whats up with that? Anyone have any thoughts?

  2. #2

    glove box handle


    Mine is full length. Serial #307164S. By the way, the fabric is in.....


  3. #3

    Re: glove box handle

    Mine is full-length also, across the top, really just a 90-degree bend of the sheetmetal with a little lip on it to grab.



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