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Thread: 72-73 911S conversion

  1. #1

    72-73 911S conversion

    I am looking at buying an 72-73 911S, unfortunately the prices for the few S models that i have seen have been easily over $20,000(too much for me). Therefore i am currently pondering the idea of buying an early T model for $9000 and adding the S options. I planned on rebuilding the engine myself, and i know i'll need pistons, cam, and cylinders, what are the other differences in the S and T engines? I don't know what to do about fuel delivery, was the MFI in the T the same as that in the E and S models? I will be totally upgrading the suspension so that is irrelevant, as well as the exterior. Are the brake calipers different? I would also put in the 5spd 915.
    Does anyone have experience with this T to S conversion? How much do you think the S engine parts would cost? Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    my suggestion would be to wait and look for an S that needs needs some work and hence wouldnt be in the 20K range. something solid and rustfree preferrably. slowly (or not) throw time and money on that endeavor and in the end come out with an S. you'd probably end up close to what you'd spend converting a non S car.


  3. #3

    Just buy an S, it'll be cheaper and worth way more!

    Just upgrading the MFI to S specs will be almost $2000. Don't forget pistons and cylinders, another $2000 for the correct Nikasil lined and aluminum finned cylinders and some S spec pistons. Don't forget all the very necessary machine work on the case and a valve job and oil pump upgrade for $2-$3000. Cams reground to S specs $350. I don't think you can do a 2.4T motor upgrade to S spec motor for less than $9-$10,000 and that includes you doing the work. Figure at least $1500 for a great working 915 5-speed.

    With a $9000 T and a conversion to S spec motor and 5-speed, you will be at $20,000 easily. You haven't even touched the suspension, brakes, interior, exterior, etc.
    Every publication you read will tell you, "buy the best car you can afford". I would like to add to that advice by saying: take all the money you can AFFORD and use that as just a down payment. Finance the rest and that $300-$400 per month payment will be WAY less than you will spend on average per month as you are converting or restoring a car. The car you are making payments on will not be depreciating either.

    You can spend $30,000 on a totally restored S that will be worth $30,000 now and when it's paid for, or you can end up spending $30,000 on a T that will be worth $12,000.

    How do I know this? I've gone thru the same nonsense that you are considering doing. Cars aren't the best investment, but the scenario you are considering will be throwing away money by the handfuls.

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