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Thread: Bosch CD unit replacement

  1. #1

    Bosch CD unit replacement

    I own a 1970 911 S. The original CD unit has now died.
    Are there aftermarket (permatune etc.) units that are 3 prong and will bolt in and give better performance?

    I was going to replace it with an original Bosch. Which is the better way?

  2. #2

    cd box

    Replace it with a Bosch unit. If you can find a used unit that will save you a lot of money. I had my Bosch unit dump on me and tried to replace it inexpensively with a perma junk. Save yourself a lot of aggrevation. Don't do it. Stock is best. If you want the gory details on the Perma crap unit e mail me at targa911s@hotmail .com

  3. #3


    I agree, I have had two failures of the permatune units on a car that is driven 3500 miles a year. The factory units are much better. I had one factory unit failure because the car was overcharging with a failed Marchal voltage regulator. Check for proper voltage and buy the factory unit, they have a nice buzzzzzz when working and are much more reliable in my experience. I still carry a spare in my car.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the input, went with the Bosch.

  5. #5
    Redmond European in Redmond, Washington repairs CD units for about $150. They do a nice job. (425) 376-2655

    No affiliation

  6. #6
    Chuck Miller

    Re: Bosch CD unit replacement

    I agree with all said about staying with stock..I also keep a spare in the trunk.

    Thanks for the turn on in Washington Darkstar, lots of us will make note.


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