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Thread: 67S Orange/Red koni struts

  1. #1
    Rick Cabell

    67S Orange/Red koni struts

    I am in the suspension stage of restoration on my 67S project. I have the factory Orange/Red Koni front struts. My question is: Is the steering knuckel that bolts to the bottom of the strut painted orange or is it satin black like the rest of the car's front suspension? By steering knuckel I mean the arm that the tie rods ends attach to. Anyone with a original car could take a peak under their car and it would be much appreciated. That is if you are equipped with the factory Koni set up.

  2. #2
    Hi Rick, Keep in mind this is on my '72..not a '67. But the curved arm that comes out from the lower part of the strut assembly? On my car it's the same koni orange as the strut.
    Hope you didn't spend too many buks on Koni Orange paint..I sure can't distinguish between it and chevy engine block orange. But, for what it's worth, my front struts have never been repainted...they are "owiginal".

  3. #3
    Rick Cabell

    orange konis

    Yes Paul you are right. The chevy engine block orange is the color as close a match as you will find.The LWB arm is orange because it's part of the strut.The knuckel on the swb cars is a bolt on item,thats why I have question. I have done these before but my memory has been damaged through the years and I am at a blank!

  4. #4

    Re: orange konis


    On my original, (nearly) unmolested '67S the Koni strut orange stops at the joint with the steering knuckle. The knuckle and the arm going back to the tie rod are black, just like the rest of the A-arm.


  5. #5

    Orange Konis

    can't post pic's to this but if you would like a jpeg of the correct colors for front and rears send me an email at and I'll send them to you.


  6. #6
    Rick Cabell


    Thanks Guys!!

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