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Thread: Engine wiring

  1. #1
    jim hahn

    Engine wiring

    We're a vintage Porsche restoration shop (KLASSE 356), doing a '69S brought in in pieces. We're almost finished, but have a few stray wires dangling in the engine bay. If I describe colors and locations, can someone help find a home for the strays? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks-Jim

  2. #2

    Give us a list of the wires (colors and roughly where they are located in the bay). Well give it a shot!

  3. #3
    jim hahn
    Juan-Thank you for your response.
    What we've got:
    A heavy red/white-circle connector, from the alternator to left rear corner of engine bay.
    A long red/grey-female spade
    A black/brown-circle connector-seems to go to the relay panel.
    A red/white-male spade, from the relay panel.
    A red and A white wire that seem to go to the solenoids on the FI pump.
    A white? wire-female spade, from harness @ left side
    A red/white-circle connector, comes toward coil from connector panel at front of engine.
    Thanks in advance

  4. #4
    Roland Kunz



    Sounds like someone opend the main connector case or the MY years are mixed up. The 69 on cars have a other main wireloom witch is complete seperate from engine wireloom. A 14 pin connector on the main wireloom was to hook up the electric relais board and on that end was a other 14 pin connector to hook up the complete engine wireloom. The ignition was a seperate wireloom.

    Prevuious cars had the engine wireloom partially in the main wireloom and a seperate wireloom for the alternator ( like the 356 ) and a short wirellom for the ignition with the coil and the fuelpumprelais siting on the long flat board

    All you need:


  5. #5

    Re: wiring

    Hi Jim,

    Sorry I haven't gotten back to you with feedback on your wiring situation. I'm out of the US on business currently but expect to be able to look at my literature and cars over the weekend.

    Roland's suggested link is very good! Let us know how you make out with it. I'll check and post my findings.


  6. #6
    jim hahn

    Re: wiring

    Thanks, Roland. I down loaded the schematic, but still have a few unknowns. The diagram shows the alternator wire to a connection, but does not identify it, and I couldn't locate the solenoids on the FI pump on the diagram. Juan, I'm hoping you can clarify my fog with a visual description.
    Best regards,

  7. #7

    Re: wiring

    Hi Jim,

    I'll do my best. I got sidetracked and I'm now in NY on business, I'll look at this on Saturday and get back to you. Í should be home then!!!! Sorry about this but the end of year has been sort of crazy.


  8. #8
    jim hahn

    Re: wiring

    Happy holidays to you and yours!
    Recently another Porsche restorer (Bruce Baker) stopped by our shop and he, too, was stymied by the stray wires. He is supposed to have a '69 S coming in for some service work, but does not know when. I have a wiring diagram for a '69 S but it does not show (or I can't find) the two solenoids on the FI pump in the diagream. And the heavy wire from the alternatoris still just dangling about.
    Best regards

  9. #9
    Roland Kunz

    Engine wiring


    Sorry had been to buisy and switched my mainboard ( witch startet some fiddeling )

    Now what is your exact year from the car and do you have the said 14 pin connector.

    The MFI selenoids just get ignition via a microswitch or via the temperaturesensor in the vent tower.

    Should we make a walktrough using the pelican shematics ?


    Frohes neues Jahr

  10. #10
    jim hahn
    Thanks for the input.
    This car seems to be of the earlier configuration,
    pre-multipin connector.
    I've got the two wires to the solenoids for the MFI, but don't know which wire goes to which solenoid.
    My biggest problem is not being able to identify where the heavy red wire from the alternator is connected.
    Am I making sense?
    Best regards

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