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Thread: Oil Cooler line relocation

  1. #1
    B rad racer2

    Oil Cooler line relocation

    I'm preparing my car for autocross and I am curently installing the 9" rear quarterpanels. I'm planning on running 9" or 10" wheels in the rear with a 245 or 275 tire. If I run the 275's I need to relocate the oil coler lines for the tires to fit.
    Has anyone relocated the engine to thermostat oil coler lines before to allow big fatties(275's) to fit? If so are there any tricks or things to watch out for when re-routing the oil lines.


  2. #2
    B rad racer2
    Is anybody out there? HELLO, Hello, hello...

  3. #3
    Whoa! Like, B_rad dude, man, I'm really sorry you had to wait for your answer. I was up at Willow Springs all weekend running w/ POC and PCA on the Streets roadcourse, having a ton of fun, meeting Chuck Miller (who is one fast dude himself in his blue '73S garage queen), then I had to like, tow my car back to San Diego, unpack and stuff, you know, take a shower, eat, go to work and like dat, so I hadn't taken care of my solemn obligation to like, check this board yet, you know, and answer your question until now, eh, braddah?

    Seriously, I have run 275s on the rear of my '73 with RS flares, on 9" Fuchs, and only had to reroute one line from the thermostat- the one most outboard (duh!). I put a flexible line in that routes up above the tire deep in the wheel well. You can get a short flex line from the dealer and cannibalize it for the fittings, then have a longer line swedged in between. Use a garden hose to mock up the routing and get the right length hose. This will save you having to go to AN/metric adapters on each end of a braided line, which is what some people do, but it is less "factory" of a look. You'll need some padded hose clamps to fasten it up in the wheel well, and at least one fastener will probably intrude into the interior in the rear seat area.

    Where you will likely also run into a problem is the camber eccentric bolt and nut on the outside of the springplate. These stick out pretty far and will eat the inside of the tire. I have heard of some people grinding them down, but i preferred flipping them so that only the head of the bolt protrudes from the surface of the spring plate. This requires a custom little fixture w/eccentric nut on the inside to maintain your camber adjustment function.

    Good luck with your project. The grip is worth it.


  4. #4
    B rad racer2

    Life of the weekend warrior. You got to love it.
    Thanks for the excellent tips.
    I was beginning to think everyone knew I was doing this to a 77 911S. I just couldn't flair my 73 T even if it is Sepia Brown.

    You da man.


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