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Thread: Yellow/Amber HI Headlights

  1. #1

    Yellow/Amber HI Headlights

    What use were the Bosch yellow/amber H1 headlight lenses intended for? I've heard they were used in France and Italy (and possibly for rallying). Thanks. -- Curt

  2. #2

    Amber lenses

    French......The H-4's utilized yellow bulbs rather than the yellow lense.


  3. #3

    Amber Lenses

    Thanks Eric. -- Curt

  4. #4
    Roland Kunz



    The amber lenses/light have technical backgrounds.

    They are better in fog and doesn´t blind oposing traffic.

    The lower light intensety and the lower reflection rate are the bad aspects but if you ever had been in france you will find people driving with parking lights trough the night and don´t care to much. However if you have done that as well you understand why. Normaly people have a very good nightsight if they are not blinded by the own lights or opposing traffic.


  5. #5


    Actually I have been running yellow lights on my car for over ten years and I asked my rather sharp Kraut freind from Peine Germany why? He said the yellow headlights began way back during the German occupation, it was a way to tell freind from fo. As of currect yellow is on the way out in France and in Belgium being replaced by the standard white. I noticed that no one knew anything about the yellow lights and no one had them me as long as I can remember. I went to a show in California two years ago with one of my cars with the yellow lights and know it seems they are quite popular. I think I will go back to clear.

  6. #6

    go yellow....

    Fine,......I'll take the pair of yellow's you have, I need some spares. Can I have your seat inserts too?


  7. #7


    Actually if you had the correct european tungsten Euro-Bilux bulbs that were in yellow with the correct white lens like the 67S would have had I would be totally impressed. Dont worry Cabell has the same setup as you and I told him the same. As for the plaid inserts, someone saw them and as I was explaining they finer details of the material and the production he exclaimed sharply "I have never seen someone so into plaid as you other than that guy Herb Tarlick on that old TV show WKRP in Cincinnati."

  8. #8


    No wonder she left you.

  9. #9


    Easy for you to say, yours lives so far away you measure the distance in time zones, that would make a great relationship for any guy.

  10. #10

    Re: touche

    Jeff? You're the guy who almost talked me into going back to original tail and parking light lenses. But then, I took the originals off the shelf and saw the cracks aroud the screw holes, remembered why I changed to European lenses back in the 70's. Then, after looking at the cost of "owigninal" replacements? I'd rather use the $ for something else. Yellow lenses on headlights? Never could figure them out...unless France has more fog than the Willamette Valley.
    OKay, all that said, I know I'm taking a HUGE risk returning to this board. I'll see how it works out. Best to (almost) all, Paul

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