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Thread: Mounting tires on "deep sixes" FUCHS

  1. #1

    Mounting tires on "deep sixes" FUCHS

    I read that the tires must be mounted over the inner lip. Can someone explain why they can't be mounted the outer lip which seems to be the more common way? How is the tire fixtured without damaging the finish if the tire needs to be mounted from the inboard side? Soft jaws?


  2. #2

    Those pesky deep spoked Fuchs

    The rim does NOT have the indent to help the mounting of the tire. have to stretch the tire to fit over the outer rim.

    Had a tire guy refuse to mount tires on my first set of (new to me) fuchs, he walked off the job. He had damaged all four of a previous set of the deep spoked trying to get them over the front lip and the back lip.


  3. #3


    thanks for the info. i looked at the profile with the tire shop. the tires were mounted with no problem. fixturing is the same but they took some rags to prevent scratching the alloys anyway.

  4. #4

    Re: tires

    Is there then an accepted or correct method to install the tires on "deep sixes"? The local shop has never complained (or scratched) my wheels when installing tires. Anything we should all know?

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