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Thread: Three Questions - one for Australian owners

  1. #1

    Three Questions - one for Australian owners


    Three questions-

    On my 71S 2.2 MFI, I noticed a disconnected plastic coated earth cable hanging from the upper right side of the rear engine compartment (looking from the rear). What is the cable for and is it needed? Was it for an earth for the engine lid for the rear wiper that has been removed. The car has an earth cable from near the rear body tunnel to the end of the transmission and of course from the body to the battery

    Second question, I’ve seen 2.2 engine photos of a pipe/hose about an 1” in internal diameter that is connected to the front of the air cleaner intake on the right front side of the engine (looking from the rear). Mine has the provision for the connection but is it necessary and where does it go to? The engine appears to be running well without it, apart from some occasional cold start MFI problems that I’m trying figure out.

    Last question for Australian readers, I've noticed on the Pelican parts site that people recommend 'Swepco 201' for the gearbox oil. Can you buy something similar in Australia?

    Thanks in advance for your help.


  2. #2

    Are you from Aussie land if so get in touch as we may be able to assist one another.

    In answer to your questions

    1. Wiper motor wiring is on the lower left side after it runs down the hinge of the bonnet so the earth you mention has nothing to do with the wipers. I can't imagine why it is there but I am sure it is non STD

    2. The pipe is for hot air to be drawn ito tne air cleaner to assist with cold starts(I think you will find the other end attached to the heat exchanger)

    3. Have never heard of the oil you mention. It owuld seem that Mobil 1 is the best option out here

    Clyde Boyer

  3. #3

    Three Questions - one for Australian owners

    Hi Clyde,

    Thanks for the reply and info.

    On the exhaust I couldn't find a possible opening/atttachemnt for a hose to the air cleaner? There is one to the MFI warm-up thermosat on the left side of the engine.

    Swepco 201 for the gearbox seems to be extremely highly recommended (apparently giving a smoother gearbox change) in the Pelican parts discussion site. Just wondering if Australia had that brand or similar.

    But I'll email you latter today. I'm in Brisbane.



  4. #4
    Roland Kunz

    Earth cables


    Those flat cables are to ground the engine lid to the chassis. This is needed for radio interference shielding. One on each hinge boltet under the upper bolt.


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