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Thread: Original radio for 1973 S

  1. #1

    Original radio for 1973 S

    Does anybody have information on what model/brand radio system was available in the '73 S? I understood Blaupunkt was standard delivery from Porsche and Becker was "after market"? What models?



  2. #2
    Silver Surfer


    I think that the Blaupunkt radio was the Frankfurt, and for the US it was AM/FM (no short wave).


  3. #3

    This should answer some questions :-))

  4. #4
    Roland Kunz



    This page features a early 911 targa restoration plus a radio data base for E-F Model years.

  5. #5


    Regarding your initial comment as to what was "standard delivery" it is my understanding that all radios were optional in 1973. Standard delivery was without a radio. Or a five-speed for that matter. In 1973, the base model (T, E, or S) was about as basic as Porsche ever delivered a car.
    My 1973 S coupe had a, obviously, dealer installed Audiovox AM/FM/Tape unit. I have replaced it with a Becker that lived its earlier years in an SL.

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