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Thread: engine upgrade/modification

  1. #1

    engine upgrade/modification

    What possibilities are there to upgrade the specifications of a 2.4S engine, without changing displacement (to the popular 2.7)? Engine should be used for normal street use (no track) and therefore minimum sacrifice on reliability.


  2. #2

    You could certainly use some pistons

    that have some decent compression ratings.

  3. #3
    Guest mean

    the 2.2S pistons? Which I heard should be "cut-off" at the underside because of the stroke?



  4. #4

    I think buying JE Pistons would be a much better bet

    and probably cheaper than trying to find some old 2.2S pistons in excellent shape and then modifying them to fit your 2.4 (if that is even necessary). The JE Pistons are about $1000 brand new, and they will be custom built to your exact specs. They are reported to be better quality, lighter weight and stronger than the OEM ones. A couple of the JE pistons engineers are Porsche guys and are involved with racing 911's.

    I am going by what one of my very good friends is telling me.... He is a very reputable mechanic too, I'm not just talking "local hero" either.

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