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Thread: battery modifications

  1. #1

    battery modifications

    Is there a trick to converting from two batteries to one?
    mike 69s

  2. #2

    Battery modifications

    No special tricks. Select which side you wish to mount your new battery, then connect the positive and negative cables to it. Insulate the cables on the side you're not using to prevent fireworks and welding FX.

    You may wish to find a battery with a higher CCA rating, but this might require a larger battery than stock and will require modified holddown hardware. Many folks use the Optima battery (800 CCA, doesn't spill and can be mounted in any position). Another option is to mount the battery in the smugglers box behind the gas tank.

    Hope this helps,
    Sherwood Lee

  3. #3
    Roland Kunz



    Very simple. remove the cable to the other side.
    It is just a bolt off and remove it action.


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