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Thread: Price for rare 911R 15x7 Fuchs?

  1. #1

    Price for rare 911R 15x7 Fuchs?

    For those of you who have run across these elusive wheels at one time or another, any consensus as to how much they are worth? Anyone know of any for sale?


  2. #2
    Hi Roland,
    I came across quite a few already, and will most probably get hold of some more (keeping fingers crossed). They usually go for 8-900$ a piece, if not cracked and true. They always require a cosmetic resto at that price. The factory perfect ones, if you have to ask...

  3. #3
    Thanks George. Let me know if you run across any extras.


  4. #4

    A San Diego PCA autocrosser named Bob Bertrand was selling a pair of 911R wheels recently. I don't know if they're gone yet, but if you are really interested in them, e-mail me and I'll call him up and find out. I saw them and they were in excellent shape. I think he was asking $2000 for the pair.


  5. #5

    price for rare Fuchs rims


    Anybody has a price indication on early Fuchs 6x15 ("deep dish") and late 6x15 ("flat face")?
    Also the "normal" 7x15?


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