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Thread: battery hold downs

  1. #1

    battery hold downs

    Ok I'm in sticker shock! I have to replace the battery hold downs on both of my batteries. I called the dealer here and even HE was suprised to see that Atlanta had them in stock. HOWEVER, they are $67.00 per side!!!! Ouch.
    Anybody parting out a car?? Will I have to promise my 1st born to get them from someone at a reasonable price?? Contact me at

  2. #2
    Recently I bought these new from a Porsche dealer over here in Sweden. With our outrageous 25% VAT they're 76 USD total for all four pieces. So it might be a good idea to mail order them directly from Germany!

    Try with e.g. FVD, Freisinger or Cargraphic (or why not a Porsche Center).

    Jonas Thiger
    Lulea, Sweden
    '72 S Targa
    '69 S Coupé

  3. #3
    Roland Kunz

    Old VW Ghias use a similar style ( not the same dimension ). If you are short on money, but skilled you can modify them. However you need the M8 T head base bolt or have to fabricate one. The VW bolt base will also work but don´t look original.


  4. #4

    Battery Hold downs

    thanks to both of you. I will investigate ordering from Germany and if that fails I will get creative with a pair of VW parts.

    Thanks again,


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