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Thread: rear Konis

  1. #1

    rear Konis

    Any first hand comparisons between the stock Konis vs the green Bilsteins as used on the 73 RS and the yellow bilstein sport? noticeable difference on the street?

  2. #2
    Roland Kunz

    Konis vs Bilstein


    The Konis are a bit softer and you can turn them to your needs.

    Bilstein green. Here is the year and version the quest but generally the are harder then the Konis in the basic seting. The Bilsteins are better in handling heavy tires and seem to have more "control". The yellow ones are even harder and have more "life" on bad roads. I would only recomend them on the rear. ( Street use )

    As long you stay with narrow tires the Konis can follow the Bilsteins but if you go to heavy brakes, wide rims and heavy driving the Bilsteins are the better choice.

    I wouldn´t recomend the Bilsteins on short wheelbase cars except you have expirience in handling oversteer situations while the steeringwheel massages your hands and underarm. ( This is the reason why the wrist watches where massivle improved in the "Porsche age" )

    Also I never had seen a RS with Konis. In germany "all" have the Bilstein green in the RS for street use. So I can´t give you firsthand on Konis. My expirience is based on a 71 RSR repro witch runed as "testbed" in the company. The 9 & 11 on the race track bend the front axle spindles upwards and the rear was very "airy" with Konis. The shocks where returned to Koni after maybe 5000 mls and there warranty didn´t covered "worn" parts. The car got then newer Bilsteins from the 3,3 Turbo and made some 20000 mls including hard rallyes ( Le Chock/Corsica, Scottland, Spain, England, France ) and many turns on the Ring, Salzburg and Hockenheim. Conclusion is they still feel good only the chassis is more flexy today.

    I would recomend the Konis for normal drivers and for cars who are flexy like targas. The Bilstein green are very sporty and on the edge for a "normal" body. Yellow is only for the track.


  3. #3

    rear bilsteins

    Hi Roland,

    Thanks very much for the input. I may try the yellow just on the rear.


  4. #4

    I understand that Bilstein can revalve your shocks to any spec you want, for less than buying a new pair. You might check into that. Contact info is at


  5. #5

    Konis, Bilsteins

    Thanks for the lead TT!


  6. #6
    Roland Kunz

    Konis vs Bilstein


    Generally the best parts are not equal the best handling car.

    The correct setup and not worn out parts are more importent to handling then chossing the "best" shock.

    Best choice is to ask some people who have modified there cars or find Companys/mechanics who know there stuff. They maybe have references and testrides.


  7. #7
    Roland Kunz

    Konis vs Bilstein


    A good suspension setup is more then having the best shocks.

    Best is to contact several companys with a good reputation on old 911 and ask for references, testrides and to make a set up on your specific use.


  8. #8
    Chuck Miller

    rear Konis

    Roland is absolutly right ... it's not just one componet, it's the balance of all that you have and how they work together. ... Like a good sound system, it doesn't have to be the most exspencive, however all the componence have to balance and work with each other.

    I am running O.E. red Konis front and rear on my 73'-S. I belive they were replaced about 18 yrs ago. (five years before I owned it). Those who know the car, know it handles well.

    The tires, torsion bars, sway bars, tie rods, bump steer kit, ride hidth, corner balance, and alignment (in that order) all work together .... nothing too fancy, exspencive, or agressive. But it's all in balance.

    It's usally not that our cars are lacking anything, and need more STUFF ... it's just that the great stuff we have sometime needs a little 'dailing-in'

    Unless your going for 'Fastest Time of the Day' these old cars do pretty damn well just way they are. It's usually us that have to come up to our cars potential, not the other way around. Lord knows, I have a long way to go.

    Roland, thanks for all your expertise. It's always a plasure reading you on this board.


  9. #9

    rear shocks

    I haven't been able to check the board for a while. I do realize that it is both a component as well as a systems issue and appreciate all the input!

    thanks again,

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